Saturday, January 27, 2007

Flipping the Script

My girlfriend has had a pretty terrific week. On Monday, she was accepted to NYU Law School. Yesterday, she was accepted to Stanford Law School. Although she applied to ten or so schools, at this point the only school she would consider attending over Stanford is Boalt.

Law schools have a rolling admissions process and they generally send out acceptances in waves. This means that schools will often wait to send out additional acceptances to the "borderline" applicants until after they know which of the already-admitted applicants plan on matriculating. Having been through the admissions process myself, and a "borderline" applicant to boot, I remembered the agonizing waiting period. So I suggested that she does her fellow applicants a favor withdraw her applications from the 8 or so other schools that she already knows she won’t be attending, so they can offer her spot to someone else.

And, as anyone that knows me will attest, I also find great pleasure in taking people down a notch whenever I can. So I suggested the following form letter:

Dear Law School Admissions Committee,

Thank you very much for all of your hard work and efforts to attract $110K of my money. However, due to the number exceptionally well-qualified schools to which I have already been admitted, I am unable to consider any more acceptance letters at this time. As you are well aware, law school is extremely competitive and it is impossible for me to attend more than one Top 10 school. Best wishes in your efforts to attract another student of my caliber.



Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Playlist: Best of Jay-Z

At the end of last year, Jay-Z released Kingdom Come, his "comeback" album. I hated it when first heard it, so I put it on the shelf for a couple of weeks, hoping that I might listen to it later and change my mind. Didn't happen. Kingdom Come is a terrible album, at least by Jay’s standards.

As one of his biggest fans, it has taken me a couple of months to truly acknowledge just how bad this album is. But as a law student on a fixed income, the value-conscious side of me feels compelled to save everyone reading this column $11.88 on their iTunes account. “Lost One” and “30 Something” are the only tracks worth purchasing. Both are classic Jay cuts—stories about told with enough wit, arrogance, and irony to make you believe they really happened to him (or his persona).

But two hits only makes you want more and the rest of the album just doesn’t deliver. So in order to get my fix, I decided to put together a Best of Jay-Z playlist that represents a balance of his radio joints, his introspective joints, and his “my life as a hustler” joints. Enjoy.

  1. Izzo
  2. So Ghetto
  3. Ain’t No N*gga
  4. Fiesta Remix
  5. Girls, Girls, Girls (remix)
  6. Hard Knock Life
  7. Lucifer
  8. Big Pimpin’
  9. Excuse Me Miss Again (remix)
  10. 30 Something
  11. What More Can I Say
  12. D’Evils
  13. Allure
  14. All I Need
  15. This Can’t Be Life
  16. Heart Of the City
  17. Can I Live

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Ex Blog to the Next Blog

It was time to start over. The last one just had to get the axe. One of the reasons I never updated was because I hated it.

This blog, on the other hand, is going to kick ass. Swear.